Movie Review Sentiment Analysis, Kathmandu University
Apr, 2018 - June, 2018
Natural Language Processing application for classification problem in Machine Learning that predicts the
movie review sentiment using Python and Deep Learning.
Academic Performance Analysis System, Kathmandu University
Sep, 2017 - Feb, 2018
Developed a Machine Learning application to analyze the academic performance of students and predict the GPA based on various factors. Programming languages and tools used: Python, Tensorflow, Keras, Sci-kit learn
Sports Arena, Kathmandu University
Sep, 2016 - Mar, 2017
Developed an E-Commerce web application for managing and selling sports stuffs. Programming languages and tools used: PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS, and MySQL
We-Chat, Kathmandu University
Mar, 2016 - July, 2016
Developed an Android application that allows us to chat with peers using mobile hotspot connection. Programming languages and tools used: JAVA and Android Studio